Review Detail

3.7 12
California 2370
Rolline Hills Casino Corning, Ca.
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
Campground/RV Resort
Nov 9th, 2016 - Corning, Ca - Rolling Hills Casino
Free parking overnight in truck lot, plus a very nice RV Park - $28, or , only $23 for me as I went golfing and took advantage of one of their package deal ($58 for golf and RV Park stay, incl. cart)
Given $10 credit with Player’s Card, plus another $10 just for being a Canadian?
Buffet excellent with prime rib, chicken etc – all for $14.95
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1/2 price, so the same buffet will be about $8.
The main truck-parking area was pretty well empty and had nice big lines when I arrived mid-afternoon. Later, I was told that slide-outs were not allowed as trucks needed to park in close formation. By middle evening, close to 80 rigs, some of which kept engines going all night, making the RV Park much more attractive. An additional down- factor in rating the free truck parking area was the fact that many truckers save up their pee in plastic jugs. These get poured all over the parking lot, leaving stains and smell as fond memories.
Corning is also home to the “Pit Stop”, At which every variety of olive known to man is sold. I bought blue-cheese olives as well as some stuffed with garlic and cheese - very yummy!
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