Review Detail

3.9 7
Fantasy Springs Casino
California 4007
December 2012
Overall rating
Total Experience
RV Parking Area
All the comments made in the past still apply. No problem for us to stay in our motorhome for 3 days. Looks like there are a few long term residents. We never checked in with Casino security and we never saw a security patrol in the lot. Makes you wonder if the lot is even part of the casino. Signs still there that say no overnight camping, but it must be some kind of legal disclaimer. We never felt unsafe but in other casinos we appreciated the security presence.

The casino is very nice and the fast food joint was cheap. There is a better dining restaurant that looks reasonably priced and even a Starbucks.

There's a free municipal dump station 5 minutes away, over the freeway, take the first left. Really good dog park on the way to the dump station next to the animal shelter.
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