Review Detail

4.0 6
Nevada 2176
Sam's Town RV park and Casino update
Overall rating
Total Experience
Campground/RV Resort
We stayed here for two weeks last winter. This was their stay time limit, not ours. We found the RV park reasonable in most respects. One odd issue, they have the rigs park alternately forward/backward. Great if your good friends with your right hand neighbor, your awnings will touch. Frequent security patrols (on bicycle) which is encouraging, as ST is not in the best neighborhood. Easy walk to casino, which sports a bowling alley and movie theater. We enjoyed the Senior movie day on Tuesdays. Buffet was pretty good and we were getting some comps for modest VP quarter play. We found one bank of machines with very good pay table (dueces wild) and enjoyed many hours of play without getting scalped. Poker room was entertaining and the lounge club acts were fun as well. Easy drive to the strip, so no complaints as regards the location. Park has a laundry room, pool and whirlpool. Spaces are gravel and not large, but long enough for most any rig. We got some of the RV park fee comped, got some free movie tickets and lots of free food. All in all, a fun two weeks.
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May 09, 2016
I am puzzled by your comment about the two week time limit. We have stayed at Sam's Town for the past several winters, always more than two weeks, last time for two months. In fact they have a monthly rate for those staying longer. They also have some permanent residents, one single lady has been there for a couple years. We did hear when KOA took over management they were going to kick out all the permanent residents but Sam's Town wouldn't let them. They are still there.
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